How Much Energy Does A Solar Panel Produce?

Lisa Foran | June 14 | News

Solar panels are used around the world in order to reduce fossil fuel usage and transition to renewable energy. While businesses have utilised them for a while, they are now more accessible to the general public, with 4.5% of homes in the UK having solar panels in 2024.

Solar energy is increasingly popular for reducing carbon footprint and saving on energy costs, with a common question being “How much energy does a solar panel produce?”.

Understanding the factors affecting solar panel energy production can help you to make informed decisions on solar investments. This post explores the basics, factors, and examples to provide a full understanding.


How Does Solar Production Work?

Solar panels work by taking sunlight and turning it into electricity using photovoltaic (PV) cells. These cells absorb the sunlight and create direct current (DC) electricity, which is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity by an inverter.

This is because most appliances work on AC electricity. The energy production of a solar panel depends on factors such as:

  • Sunlight exposure
  • Panel efficiency
  • Configuration


How Do I Measure Solar Power Output?

When it comes to solar panel output, the two main terms you’ll hear are kilowatts (kW) and kilowatt-hours (kWh). Kilowatts show how much power a solar panel system can handle, while kilowatt-hours measure the actual energy it generates over time.

For example, a 300-watt solar panel (0.3 kW) could make around 1.2 kWh of electricity daily in perfect conditions.

The average residential solar panels usually range from 250W to 400W, and their energy production can differ depending on different factors throughout the day and year.


Has Solar Power Improved?

Over the years, solar panels have come a long way. They’ve gone from being big and not very efficient to sleek, efficient, and easy-to-access sources of renewable energy.

In the mid-20th century, solar panels were pricey and not efficient at turning sunlight into power. Thanks to major advancements in technology, we now have photovoltaic cells that are less fragile and much better at converting sunlight into electricity.

Because of these changes, solar energy is now giving traditional energy sources a run for their money. This is great news for the environment, as it helps to cut down on carbon emissions and fight climate change.


What Can Influence Energy Production?

Solar energy production may require certain conditions to be perfect in order to work as efficiently as possible. These conditions can include the location, general weather conditions and what panels you eventually opt for.



Your location has a significant impact on how much energy your solar panels can produce because some areas get more sunlight than others.

This can mean the country you live in or even the specific area of a country you might live in. For example, solar panels in some US states are going to see much more sunlight than any in the UK, and panels in London may see more sun than those in Scotland.



Weather and time of year are major factors in how well solar panels work. Panels usually make more energy in the summer because of longer days and brighter sunlight. Knowing these differences can help you predict how much energy your panels will produce each year.

In the winter, solar panel output can be reduced by around 50% compared to the summer. This highlights the importance of battery energy storage systems – systems that store excess energy for when you need it the most.


The Quality of Your Panels

The kind of solar panels you choose makes a huge difference in how much energy you can produce. Monocrystalline panels are usually more efficient and generate more energy per square metre compared to polycrystalline or thin-film panels.

Panels with higher efficiency ratings are able to convert more sunlight into electricity, which leads to greater overall energy production.



It’s important to install solar panels properly to get the most out of them. You want to make sure they’re angled and positioned in a way that catches as much sunlight as possible throughout the day.

You should also make sure there’s no shading from trees, buildings, or anything else blocking the sun. And don’t forget to regularly clean and check for damage to keep them operating at their best. At ESOLAR, rest assured our experts will install your solar panels efficiently.


Tips to Optimise Your Energy Production

Your solar panels’ energy production is entirely dependent on the efficiency of your arrangement. Solar panel efficiency has been consistently increasing for several years, making them a viable way to transfer from the grid.

Many factors can influence the efficiency of your solar panel system such as the height of the sun, the angle of your panels and the number of clouds in the sky.

To make the most of your solar panels, it’s important to stay on top of regular maintenance. Keeping your panels clean and free of debris is a must for capturing as much sunlight as possible. Additionally, using micro-inverters or power optimisers can have a positive impact, especially if your panels are shaded.

Optimising each panel individually can enhance the overall performance of your system. Likewise, keeping up with the latest solar advancements can also help ensure that your system runs efficiently and smoothly.


Solar Panels With ESOLAR

Understanding how much energy a solar panel can produce is important for anyone thinking about going solar. Looking at things like where you live, the weather, how good the panels are, and how they’re installed can give you a better idea of how much power your system can generate.

If you are looking to get solar panels installed as soon as possible, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Begin your solar energy journey today with ESOLAR.